Meet Steve...
I believe many small businesses struggle with an overall marketing strategy. Many tend to only use a portion of the tools available and expect the money used to promote that tool will work their overall marketing strategy.

So why StrategyPlus?
Our business is identifiable as being a premiere Medicare Plan and health insurance brokerage firm. I knew our identity and tried to market to the demographic we wanted to touch. StrategyPlus helped us further define our business, who we wanted to touch and the process to make an overall system work.
How they can help?
The process included an in-depth defining of who are our prospects, alternatives for reaching them, and then building a process and tools (such as a website) to reach them. Ben Harrington has a soft spirit, and the knowledge and expertise to make this system work for us. We now have a plan to reach people and more ways to do so. People are driven to a website designed to educate and to our expertise in our field.